Jim needs help
This Sunday, Jim needs a few strong hands to help with a small task
Event Date: May 20, 2019Jim is needs a little help fixing things at the Forge , 15 min. He will try to show how to form a circle or a square from bar stock. He will cheat where he needs to , how to cheat at blacksmithing. We need to help each other to build a portable forge. Most of the stuff is scrap with a few pieces of pipe. We have the summer to make them. Lets see who needs one.
April 28
Steve Gurzler's demo
Event Date: Apr 28, 2019If you missed this one, you miss a terrific demo and meeting. Steve is an excellent teacher and explained every step before , during and after he made a forge welded chain link and a set of specialized tongs which will hold round stock parallel and perpendicular to the tong handles, or raines, as Steve calls them. When finished with the tongs,Steve donated them to CDBA. Very generous and a very nice supportive gesture. Thanks Steve. Steve also help a young person, Jonathan, in making a steak fork, which was quite good. Well done Jonathan. Kathy, who made a hook some time ago had her second blacksmithing experience today and made a nice little single hook with a twist which she will mount on a wall. Well done! Brian made a rose with a technique new to most of us -using flat stock shaping and rolling. Unique. A couple of new faces also showed up and might return. Finally, Steves stories and jokes were better than usual and a treat. Good day all around!
RE: JUNE STUDENT DEMO DAYS. WE NEED FOLKS FOR JUNE 4, 5, 7, 10, 13, 14. JERRY SMITH HAS ALREADY VOLUNTEERED FOR THE 12TH. Jerry mentioned to me today that last year he volunteered for the first time and had much trepidation before he met the students. He said he "had a ball" and really enjoyed it. So, VOLUNTEER! Call Jack (439-0232) or Jim (439-5439).
April 28th Meeting
Pat's ForgeMill Road, Albany, NY 12209
click here for directions
Steve will demonstrate making a traditional set of tongs using his considerable skill and knowledge of the blacksmith craft. Will be a solid demo with many questions answered. Don't miss!
March Meeting
Demonstrator for March Meeting
Event Date: Mar 5, 2019Our March Meeting will be held on Sunday March 31st. At Pat's Forge. Steve Wayne will be doing another demonstration for us. He will be Demonstrating Damascus (pattern welded) steel! This is always a popular demonstration, and is sure to be entertaining, and informative. So join us Sunday 3/31/19 Noon to 4